Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Philosophy Stories - Philosophical

Here is your Saturday STORY on:


When you are sad, angry, frustrated and stressed all the ensuing problems seem to be the size of a mountain. If the same problems arrive when you’re happy they seemed to be coped with easier and resolved quicker.

This must imply that you are capable of resolving any problem, but the task is best done when you are in a positive frame of mind. If you could only remember this principle life would become so much easier.

When you don’t want a big mountain to climb you’ll find it just around the next corner. Yet if you expected a mountain and trusted in your knowledge and experience you’d take the challenge in your stride.

Those who utilise meditation have varying mantras to suit their style. The value of the meditation doesn’t differ between mantras.

The moral to be taught here is to admit the potential of being positive and then actively encourage that to remain in every part of your day. Don’t allow lethargy to visit; take suitable rest and nourishment. Don’t allow anger to manifest; deal with every small frustration step by step.


Two sailors ran into each other in a pub. Over a few beers, one of the men told the other about his last voyage: "After a month at sea," he said, "we discovered our masts had been eaten through by termites! Almost nothing left of them."

"That's terrible," said the second sailor.

"That's what I thought at first too," the first sailor said, "but it turned out to be good luck. As soon as we took the sails down to fix the masts, we were hit by a squall so suddenly and so hard, it would surely have blown us over if our sails were up at the time."

"How lucky!"

"That's exactly what I thought at the time, too. But because our sails were down, we couldn't steer ourselves, and because of the wind, we were blown onto a reef. The hole in the hull was too big to fix. We were stranded."

"That is bad luck indeed."

"That's what I thought, too, when it first happened. But we all made it to the beach alive and had plenty to eat. But now here's the real kicker: While we were on the island whining about our terrible fate, we discovered a buried treasure!"

As this story illustrates, you don't know if an event is "good" or "bad" except maybe in retrospect, and even then you don't really know because life keeps going. The story's not over yet. Just because something hasn't turned out to be an advantage yet doesn't mean it is not ever going to.

Therefore, you can simply assume whatever happens is "good." I know that sounds awfully airy-fairy, but it's very practical. If you think an event is good, it's easy to maintain a positive attitude. And your attitude affects your health, it affects the way people treat you and how you treat others, and it affects your energy level. And those can help pave the way for things to turn out well. A good attitude is a good thing. And a bad attitude does you no good at all.

So get in the habit of saying "That's good!" Since you don't know for sure whether something will eventually work to your advantage or not, you might as well assume it will. It is counterproductive to assume otherwise. Think about it. If someone ahead of you in line at a store is slowing everything down, say to yourself, "That's good!" They may have saved you from getting into an accident when you get back in your car. Or maybe, because you slowed down, you might meet a friend you would have missed. You never know.

The truth is; life is uncertain. And even that can work to your advantage.

(Adam Khan)

QUOTE: “It would be foolhardy to believe that wisdom is a luxury in prosperity, but a jewel in adversity.” (Andy Bolton)

Wisdom and Philosophy

How to be Happy

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